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Slack Community

We are a community of like-minded people with thousands of members.

Join our Slack Workspace introduce yourself and interact with the community. There are different channels in the workspace to engage within.

#general - For workspace-wide communication and announcements.

#meshery - For discussion on topics in and around Meshery.

#meshery-adapters - Discuss topics related to meshery-adapters.

#meshery-ci - For discussion on topics related to Meshery Build, Release, Workflows, DevOps.

#meshery-meshsync - For discussions on issues related to MeshSync.

#mesheryctl - For discussions on Meshery’s CLI

#newcomers - For welcoming first-time contributors and community newcomers.

#performance - For discussions related to measuring and evaluating cloud native performance.

#wasm - For discussions on webassembly, rust, envoy filters.

#websites - For discussions related to the UI/UX of Layer 5 project sites.

Discussion Forum

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Social Media

Layer5 is dedicated to empowering engineers and supporting the open source community that create them. Learn more about Layer5 and connect with the community by following and engaging with us on our social media accounts.

Layer5, the cloud native management company

An empowerer of engineers, Layer5 helps you extract more value from your infrastructure. Creator and maintainer of cloud native standards. Maker of Meshery, the cloud native manager.