We’ve created some guidelines to help you use our brand and assets, including our logo, content and trademarks, without having to negotiate legal agreements for each use. To make any use of our marks in a way not covered by these guidelines, please contact us and include a visual mockup of intended use.
The Layer5 mark includes the Layer5 name & logo, and any word, phrase, image, or other designation that identifies the source or origin of any Layer5 projects. Please don’t modify the marks or use them in a confusing way, including suggesting sponsorship or endorsement by Layer5, or in a way that confuses Layer5 with another brand (including your own).
Primary Logo: broadly, and majorly applicable
Layer5 Icon: suited for square-shaped display
Our community color palette consists of gray and green colors representing each of our projects. The Layer5 logo should be white when using project colors as the background.
RGB 0,179,159 #00B39F
Caribbean Green
RGB 0,211,169 #00D3A9
RGB 235,192,23 #EBC017
RGB 255,243,197 #FFF3C5
Light Slate Gray
RGB 122,132,142 #7A848E
Dark Jungle Green
RGB 30,33,23 #1E2117
Teal Blue
RGB 71,126,150 #477E96
RGB 177,182,184 #B1B6B8
RGB 255,255,255 #FFFFFF
Media available for print.
The Meshery mark includes the Meshery name & logo, and any word, phrase, image, or other designation that identifies the source or origin of any Layer5 projects. Please don’t modify the marks or use them in a confusing way, including suggesting sponsorship or endorsement by Layer5, or in a way that confuses Layer5 with another brand (including your own).
The Meshery color palette consists of the primary Meshery color and additional shades. The Meshery logo should be white or monochrome tonal when using a color background.
RGB 60,73,79 #3C494F
RGB 0,179,159 #00B39F
Caribbean Green
RGB 0,211,169 #00D3A9
An empowerer of engineers, Layer5 helps you extract more value from your infrastructure. Creator and maintainer of cloud native standards. Maker of Meshery, the cloud native manager.