The Tooltip component displays informative text when users hover over, focus on, or tap an element. Tooltips are designed to enhance accessibility and user understanding of interface elements.

Basic Tooltip

Positioned Example

You can specify the position of the Popper using the placement prop. Here's an example of a Tooltip positioned above its anchor:

Distance from anchor

To adjust the distance between the tooltip and its anchor, you can use the slotProps prop to modify the offset of the popper.

Variable width

The variant prop in Tooltip allows you to control the tooltips size with predefined styles (standard or small). This makes it easier to adjust the tooltip to fit various UI requirements quickly and consistently.

Follow Cursor

Tooltips can be configured to follow the cursor, making it easier to read the content.

Showing and Hiding

A delay in showing or hiding the tooltip can be added through the enterDelay and leaveDelay props.