Solving the Service Mesh Adopter’s Dilemma

Which service mesh should I use and how do I get started? What are the different service meshes, and how do they contrast? Learn about the functionality of different service meshes and visually manipulate mesh configuration.

This talk introduces Meshery, an open source, multi-service mesh management plane that provisions (ten and counting) different service meshes, their sample applications and how it benchmarks the performance of service mesh deployments. Meshery facilitates benchmarking various configuration scenarios of any service mesh, comparison of performance of services (applications) on and off the mesh and across different meshes. It vets mesh and service configurations against deployment best practices. Some of the service mesh projects use Meshery as their performance benchmark tool for each release.


CNCF TAG Network and Service Mesh Working Group

With the increasing prevalence of microservice-based distributed systems, this is true: the network, as a discipline, has never been so critical in the efficient operation of cloud-native deployments. Network primitives including load balancing, observability, authentication, authorization, policies, rate limiting, QoS, mesh networks, traditional infrastructure bridging, and so on are now being developed and invested by the entire industry, and are the focus of the Service Mesh Working Group withing the CNCF TAG Network.

Listen to our introduction and get an in-depth understanding of the service mesh projects being managed within the working group.

Meshery Project Office Hours

Join the Meshery Project Office Hours at KubeCon China 2021 to learn more about the CNCF's latest service mesh project and its maintainers.

Come and discover why Meshery is the easiest way to get started with 10+ service meshes!


Service Mesh Performance Project Office Hours

Join the Service Mesh Performance Project Office Hours at KubeCon China 2021 and get introduced to the new standard of cloud native performance characterisation and to its open source maintainers.

Learn what Service Mesh Performance is and how Meshery's implementation uses it to measure the performance of any service mesh available.





本次演讲旨在介绍 Meshery, 一款开源的多服务网格管理平面,它提供了市面上(至少10个)不同的服务网格产品的生命周期管理,示例应用程序以及开箱即用的服务网格的性能基准测试功能。 Meshery有能力在各种不同的场景下对任意的服务网格进行性能基准测试的能力,比较不同应用程序在服务网格内外以及不同服务网格之间的性能。它可以根据服务网格的最佳实践来审查网络和服务配置。越来越多的服务网格项目使用Meshery作为每个版本的性能基准测试工具。


CNCF TAG Network and Service Mesh Working Group

随着基于微服务的分布式系统越来越流行,网络作为一门学科,在云原生的高效部署和运行中变得越来越重要已然成为了不可动摇的事实。包括负载均衡,可观察性,鉴权,授权,策略,限速,QoS,Mesh网络,传统基础设施桥接等,正在被整个行业大力发展和投资,这些也是CNCF TAG Network的Service Mesh Working Group的重点。



Meshery Project Office Hours

欢迎大家加入到KubeCon 2021 中国站 Meshery office hours,来了解CNCF服务网格项目的最新进展,以及与项目维护者进行在线互动。



Service Mesh Performance Project Office Hours

欢迎大家加入到KubeCon 2021 中国站 Service Mesh Performance Project Office Hours,来了解云原生性能表征的新标准的资讯,以及与项目维护者进行在线互动。




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    An empowerer of engineers, Layer5 helps you extract more value from your infrastructure. Creator and maintainer of cloud native standards. Maker of Meshery, the cloud native manager.