You've probably seen tweets or LinkedIn posts celebrating the number of stars a project receives on GitHub. Maybe someone has even asked you to star their repository. If you've ever wondered how much of an impact your star could make on their project, you're in the right place. Let's explore what GitHub Stars are and explore the significant role they play in boosting a project.
What are GitHub Stars?
GitHub stars are like virtual thumbs-up or bookmarks that you can give to projects you like on the GitHub platform. They're a way to show that you find a project interesting, useful, or valuable. When you star a project, when you star a project, it's represented at the stargazers section of the repository.
Stars are one of the key metrics that GitHub uses to track and identify trending projects on its platform. When a repository gains a significant number of stars within a relatively short period, it can be an indicator that the project is gaining popularity, and consequently, qualifies as a "trending project".
Here's how GitHub uses stars to track trending projects:
- Star Activity - GitHub monitors the rate at which repositories are being starred. Projects that receive a sudden surge of stars are likely to catch the attention of GitHub's algorithms.
- Time Interval - GitHub takes into account the time frame within which stars are accumulated. Projects that gain stars rapidly in a short span of time are considered for trending status.
- Relative Comparison - Trending repositories are often determined based on a comparison with their usual star activity. If a repository's star activity significantly exceeds its typical rate, it might be flagged as trending.
- Consistency - While rapid stars are important, consistent activity also matters. Projects that sustain their increased star activity over time are more likely to be recognized as trending.
Once a repository meets these criteria, it might be highlighted on GitHub's Trending page or other curated sections of the platform. This visibility can attract even more attention and stars, creating a feedback loop that amplifies the project's popularity.
Effect of Stars on a Project
Starring a project on GitHub does not directly impact the project’s functionality, but it can have several positive effects which include:
- Visibility - Starring a project increases its visibility. Projects with more stars tend to appear higher in search results, making it easier for others to discover and contribute to the project
- Community Engagement - A higher number of stars can attract more contributors, users, and potential collaborators. It indicates that the project has generated interest and resonates with others.
- Motivation - For project maintainers and contributors, seeing their project receive stars can be motivating. It shows that their work is appreciated and valued by the community.
- Recognition - Starring a project is a way for users to acknowledge and recognize the effort put into it. It’s a form of social validation.
- Contributor Potential - Potential contributors might use the number of stars a project has as a signal of the project’s importance and popularity. A well-started project might attract developers looking for projects to contribute to.
- Feedback and Support - Starring can also serve as a lightweight way for users to express their support for the project or to keep track of projects they find interesting even if they don’t actively contribute.
Overall, starring a project helps create a positive cycle where visibility leads to engagement, engagement leads to contributions, and contributions lead to a stronger project.
How to Star a Repository
Starring a repository is a simple two-step process.
- Step 1: On GitHub, navigate to the main page of the repository.
- Step 2: At the top-right corner of the page, click Star.

Before adding a star
This is what a project will look like after you have starred it:

After adding a star
Five Needs Your Stars
Now that you understand how much impact stars can make, take a moment to help Five on his Cloud Native journey. Five is our intergalactic Cloud Native Hero on a journey to the Meshery planet. Five’s rocketship runs on stars and he needs all the stars he can get. The community is doing its best to provide fuel, but that's not enough. Our friend Five needs more stars to get him through this journey.
You can help Five by giving a star to the Meshery!