It all started 9 months ago when I stumbled across the following LinkedIn post, written by a college senior who had recently scored an internship with

This led me to a long-winding conversation with Subham Kumar Rai and Anand Kumar Singh about Layer5 and how amazing an opportunity it would be to be a part of this emerging community. I did some research on service meshes and made my way to the Layer5 Github repo. From there, it was a swift journey to the Layer5 Slack Channel where I truly understood what Subham had meant about the warm welcome. I was amazed by how helpful and willing the entire community was. Armed with the resources I needed, I delved into the projects and churned out a few PRs and I was hooked. I dove aggressively into the projects and handled any curve balls with the help of my mentors. My participation in the Layer5 community drove me to a well earned obsession with open source projects which led me to make my own contributions in the FOSSASIA and GATSBY projects and take part in many open-source contests such as Hacktoberfest, DevopsCember, Kharagpur Winter Of Code (KWOC), NJACK Winter Of Code (NWOC), Girlscript Summer Of Code (GSSOC).


What is Meshery?

Meshery is a multi-service mesh management plane that offers lifecycle, configuration, and performance management of service meshes and applications running on top of those meshes.


Meshery uses a common service mesh performance specification to describe and capture performance benchmarks and results. The spec contains general information about the performance test (e.g. start/end times), service mesh and proxy build numbers, Kubernetes cluster details (nodes, type of nodes, memory information), and the actual results. One of the ideas behind Meshery is to be a vendor and project-neutral tool that can benchmark the performance of different service meshes.
It is a one stop for all your service meshing needs. Service meshes are still a novel concept for both, developers and users. Meshery steps in to bridge this gap and allows you to have a better understanding of what a service mesh can provide by helping you judge service mesh for your personal and professional needs. Meshery accomplishes this by providing you a thorough analysis of the options available so that you can make an informed choice.

Lee Calcote

Lee Calcote

Lee Calcote is an innovative leader and has previously made waves in the tech community as a Docker Captain and a Cloud Native Ambassador and that is just a milestone in his impressive journey, which consists of his admirable work with developer platforms, cloud technology, containers, functions, and applications. Advanced and emerging technologies have been a consistent focus through Calcote’s tenure at SolarWinds, Seagate, Cisco, and Pelco. In my tenure at Layer5, Lee has been an amazing mentor, someone you can always look towards for encouragement, inspiration and a kind word, especially when you’re melting under the heat to make that late night deadline.

Layer5 and UEM Jaipur Partnership Program

In an effort to foster the open source community in my college, I along with four of my batchmates (Anand, Subham, Nikhil, Gunjan) decided to start an open source partnership program, encouraged by Lee and Rupayan Das (Faculty, UEM Jaipur). This will hopefully lead to making future batches more aware about the essence of open source and encourage them to participate in communities like Layer5.


Community Love

The Layer5 community has welcomed me with patience and has given me a sense of purpose, which is more than I could have asked for at the beginning as a novice developer. The warm welcome and a sincere string of mentors can do wonders in building your confidence and enabling you to put in your best foot forward. Open source has introduced me to a horde of essential qualities, such as the importance of teamwork, candor and earnestness.
It has been a prodigious journey so far and I don’t intend to stop here. The pace at which the projects under the Layer5 community are unwinding is awe-inspiring. It is my aim to be a witness and a partner in crime in its future endeavors. If you’re looking for an opportunity to be a part of the Layer5 family, check out our projects and head over to our Slack channel!

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Layer5, the cloud native management company

An empowerer of engineers, Layer5 helps you extract more value from your infrastructure. Creator and maintainer of cloud native standards. Maker of Meshery, the cloud native manager.