The ButtonGroup component can be used to group related buttons together. It is a container for multiple buttons that can be used to group buttons together and apply styles to them. This component is useful when you have a group of buttons that need to be styled in a similar way.

Basic Usage

The buttons can be grouped by wrapping them with the ButtonGroup component. They need to be immediate children.

Button Variant

The ButtonGroup component supports three variants: Filled, Outlined, and Text.

Vertical Group

The ButtonGroup component can be used to create a vertical group of buttons by setting the vertical prop to true.

Disable elevation

The ButtonGroup component can be used to create a group of buttons with no elevation by setting the disableElevation prop to true.


For now, two different sizes of buttons exist: 56px height and 48px height.

Full Width

The ButtonGroup component can be used to create a group of buttons that take up the full width of the container by setting the fullWidth prop to true.