AUSTIN, TEXAS, May 10th, 2022: Layer5, Inc.®, a provider of cloud native management software, announced today the general availability of the Meshery Docker Extension.

The Meshery Docker Extension offers an easy button to go from Docker Compose to Kubernetes to any Service Mesh.

Nic Jackson

Principal Developer Advocate at HashiCorp
Complementing Docker Desktop's role as the go-to Kubernetes environment for cloud native developers, the Meshery Docker Extension provides easy access to the next layer of cloud native infrastructure: service meshes. As an inaugural Docker Extensions Partner and a maker of industry-defining, cloud native software, Layer5’s integration of Meshery provides a visual pathway for existing Docker Compose applications to move into Kubernetes and onto any service mesh.

As a user of the Meshery Docker Extension, Nic Jackson, Principal Developer Advocate of HashiCorp, can convert his Docker Compose apps to Meshery apps. Configuring and deploying Meshery apps to Kubernetes and any service mesh is made simple with the Meshery Docker Extension. HashiCorp is a Layer5 technology partner.

"The Meshery Extension transforms Docker Desktop into a powerful load generation utility, conveniently enabling me to deploy and configure any service mesh with a click of the button and invoke and control load-based performance tests from my desktop."

Maximiliano Churichi
Software Engineer at HPE

From its genesis, Meshery has natively supported Docker as a deployment platform. With the Meshery Docker Extension the ability for developers to access a Kubernetes environment complete with a service mesh like Consul, Linkerd, Kuma, Istio, and so on. Meshery's deep support for the Cilium Service Mesh is the project's latest service mesh adapter.

"As a Docker Captain, I have always been a proponent of Docker, and in particular its enablement of developer workflows", said Lee Calcote, Founder and CEO of Layer5. "Now, Docker Extensions bring an integrated experience with ecosystem tooling, like Meshery - a critical tool for developers, who are configuring and managing cloud native applications."

MeshMap Docker ExtensionThe new Meshery Docker Extension brings Layer5 MeshMap, the world's only visual designer for Kubernetes and service mesh deployments, to the desktop of millions of developers. Developers and operators alike can visually configure and operate their cloud native infrastructure and applications using MeshMap's low code visual designer.

With a goal to bring workload identity and attestation to all service meshes, HPE Security Engineering uses the Meshery Docker Extension to deploy their service mesh of choice and test the performance of our SPIFFE and SPIRE-based identity solution.

Maximiliano Churichi
Software Engineer at HPE

Users of the Meshery Docker Extension like, Maximiliano Churichi, Software Engineer at HPE, find convenience in Meshery's functionality directly integrated into Docker:

  • Kubernetes and service mesh support for your Docker Compose apps - Import your Docker Compose apps. Configure and deploy them to Kubernetes and any service mesh.
  • Visual design of Kubernetes applications - Using MeshMap as a visual topology for designing Docker Compose applications, operating Kubernetes, and many AWS and GCP services.
  • Single-click deployment of all Kubernetes infrastructure Support of 250+ different Kubernetes operators, thousands of custom resources at the fingertips of developers in connection with Docker Desktop’s ability to deliver Kubernetes locally.
  • Detection of Kubernetes environments - Scan your kubeconfigs and select your current Kubernetes environment. Switch from one environment to another one.

“Docker is obsessed with developer ergonomics and is committed to filling and improving the developer experience gap,” said Webb Stevens, Docker’s SVP of Secure Software Supply Chain. “We welcome Layer5 to the Docker Extension marketplace, expanding the applications and capabilities available for millions of registered Docker developers.”


About Layer5, Inc.

Layer5 offers cloud native application management by harnessing the unique position service meshes have in changing how developers write applications, how operators run modern infrastructure and how product owners manage their service offerings. For more information, visit

About Docker, Inc.

Docker helps millions of developers efficiently and collaboratively build, share and run applications. For more information, visit

About HashiCorp

HashiCorp is a leader in multi-cloud infrastructure automation software. For more information, visit

About Hewlett Packard Enterprise

Hewlett Packard Enterprise (NYSE: HPE) is the global edge-to-cloud company that helps organizations accelerate outcomes by unlocking value from all of their data, everywhere. For more information, visit

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Layer5, the cloud native management company

An empowerer of engineers, Layer5 helps you extract more value from your infrastructure. Creator and maintainer of cloud native standards. Maker of Meshery, the cloud native manager.